Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Fast forward

It's been a minute since I've been here last. I'm living back in my home town, had a baby boy who is now almost a 3 year old, my  with my almost- husband that I used to write about. We live together with our dog. And I'm becoming a plant person. 

But really I'm on here because I feel like talking about how I feel when I feel I'm too tired to voice it.... It is hard being in a relationship. I think its so easy to take someone for granted, to forget you used to have a life before them, and to remain an individual. I know I've lost myself in the last 5+ years being with my partner. Last year my resolution was to pick up my hobbies that I always was consumed by. I did start painting again. Watercolour painting which was new for me. And I started reading novels again.  Sporadically though and not often, really. This year I need to get back into that more and also reach goals to help me professionally. 

After questioning why I was upset two, three times he walked past me angrily. To me that was a quick give up. Seeing someone in almost tears and instead of being sympathetic, patient and seeing theyre too sad to talk, to just choose to be angry at being ignored instead. Fine, D. I am upset because I'm tired of being the one who is always honest and open in this relationship. I am tired. 

Monday, July 30, 2018

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


I think I'm feeling too many things... one day I think I'm so in love and want to marry him. The next I feel like I have no idea what he and I are doing anymore, that we don't really want to be together, that we don't have our spark anymore... I want to get back to where we used to be.. adoring eachother, completely consumed by how in love we are with eachother.

And I just don't know who I am anymore. I feel completely stripped. Like I'm just this empty vessel. All I do is watch TV and live in this box.. why? What happened to things I used to enjoy doing? Why do I no longer care? I just feel so lost.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


I remember always thinking that when I'm older I'll be happier. How come no one ever told me that being an "adult" is over-rated?

Sunday, February 21, 2016


I feel like I can't go on anymore. I can't live with all of this pain. With my baby sister and mum on the other side of the world forever. I can't live for me. But how long can I hold on living for other people. I don't know.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Life, now

I found my blog again today. I thought I had deleted it forever ago. Pleasantly surprised I didn't.
Good timing too.

So, i'm in nursing school now. First year. Doing well and loving it.

My parents want to pick up and move overseas in 6 months, with my sister. The thought is beyond painful to be away from her.

My dad and I no longer speak. I think for the best since really what he wants of me is to be a devoted muslim, who isn't in love an agnostic aussie.

And I'm saving money so I'm not homeless in 6 months time.

So yeah!! that about sums it up.
